Coronation Street Past And Present Wiki

Ben Fielding was a minor character in Coronation Street in 2010, who was the violent husband of the unseen Vicky Fielding, who Colin Fishwick had an affair with. Ben gave Colin a violent beating after getting out of prison, which unknowingly to Ben later led to Colin's death.

He was played by Dominic Gately.



Ben was sent to prison for assaulting a police officer. Whilst inside, his wife Vicky began an affair with teacher Colin Fishwick, and the pair of them left for Canada to escape Ben once he got out. When Colin's old teaching colleague John Stape assumed his identity to get back into the teaching profession, Ben assumed that Colin was back in the country and went looking for him.


In July 2010, he turned up at Number 5 Coronation Street looking for "Colin" and spoke to Chesney Brown, who was unaware of John's deception. Ben later returned and punched John (believing he was Colin), but a scared John showed his identity card to prove he wasn't Colin, and Ben left. Ben later returned to the house, convinced that John was aware of Colin's whereabouts, and threatened to give to punch him again. John's wife Fiz revealed that Colin was back in the country and working in a bookshop in the town. Ben tracked down Colin and gave him a violent beating.

An angry Colin turned up at Number 5 and demanded money from John so he could leave the country, or else he would expose John for stealing his identity. Unfortunately for Colin, he suffered a brain haemorrhage and died in John's living room. John and Charlotte Hoyle then hid Colin's body in Underworld which was later cemented over during building work, in order to prevent the police from finding out about John committing identity fraud.

After 2010[]

One year later, Colin's body was discovered and the police believed John was the one responsible for beating him up and killing him, in order to cover up his crime. After John went on the run from the police, they arrested Fiz who said that someone else had attacked Colin, however she had forgotten his name.

After John returned to prove Fiz's innocence, he ended up in a car accident. On his deathbed, he gave Ben Fielding's name to the police as the one who had violently beaten Colin. It is unknown what happened afterwards, although Ben was possibly arrested and charged, due to his previous criminal record for assault.

Memorable Info[]
